Beautiful Brain

         It is the primary center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, receiving and interpreting sensory impulses, and transmitting information to the muscles and body organs. It is also the seat of consciousness, thought, memory, and emotion, The portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within the cranium, continuous with the spinal cord, and composed of gray matter and white matter, If you don’t get it no matter, I am talking about Brain Matter, the one which we all have but very few use it, my definition is “It is as it looks” means Tortuous, convoluted, complex and complicated, now comes the parts of brain, the largest part of the human brain is called the cerebrum. Other important parts include corpus callosum, cerebral cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, hippocampus and brain stem; I don’t want to go deep into this, as my brain has very limited understanding about “THE BRAIN”

  But what make me curious about Human Brain is its memory capacity, it is 2.5 Petabyte, which means 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage but still, the fact is “I don’t remember what happened yesterday”

     Do you also know we don't start out with wrinkly brains; a fetus early in its development has a very smooth little brain. As the fetus grows, its neurons also grow and migrate to different areas of the brain, by the time it reaches 40 weeks [9-10 months]; its brain is as completely complicated-wrinkled and that’s when this little brain enters the world which is  complicated to the core,

    Now each person has about the same number of brain cells at birth as in adulthood, but those cells grow, reaching maximum size at about age six, it means, we start growing-learning when our brain stops growing

    Now the most interesting part is there are 2 different kinds of Human Brains and they are Male and Female brain, I knew it before I read about it, I thought there is a big difference but the fact is both are almost similar upto 99.99% with very minute negligible differences of 0.01% but still which is not negligible eventually these differences would lead to [BIG “MISS”UNDERSTANDINGS] in life,

According scientists differences are

Difference 1

Type of difference: Don’t give up ...Fight till your last blood

    Female’s frontal lobe, responsible for problem-solving, is larger than in a man. Meanwhile, a male’s amygdala, which regulates the “fight or flight” reaction, is bigger, I don’t believe this…… I was shocked when I read it and I am still in SHOCK, I will fight and fight and fight to prove this WRONG.

Difference 2

Type of difference: Size does Matters

        There is a difference in brain size between males and females, men have slightly larger brains than women...and it's not because they simply have bigger heads. The fact is, their parietal cortices (in charge of space perception), and amygdalas (regulate sexual and social behavior) are larger. This might explain why visual-spacial tasks are easier for men and the scientists are damn sure that SIZE MATTERS or not.

Difference 3

Type of Difference: Forget and Forgive

         Women have neurons that are more tightly packed, allowing faster connections to be made. This explains why women tend to remember things better than men and I believe life is all about forgiving and forgetting   

Difference 4

Type of Difference: Knowledge v/s Multi tasking

        Men have 6.5 times more gray matter in their brains. Gray matter is associated with information processing. Information is knowledge and 6.5 times more can you imagine but still its of no use because women have 10 times the amount of “white matter” than men. White matter works to connect different processing centers of the brain, making a female more efficient in multi-tasking skills [MULTI TASKING]

     Men and Women might be different in thoughts, Views, Looks, and etc… but still they are EQUAL. They cannot exist without each other in nature, the world would be less interesting if everyone another was the same, that’s the beauty of nature